1. For your Final Exam, you will create a blog post titled "Final Exam" (10)
2. You will send an email with the subject "Period x - Final Exam" (10)
3. Your email signature will have your blog and weebly site. If I cannot access those sites, I will not be able to grade the remaining part of your final exam. (10)
4. Yesterday we reviewed the New York Times Lens blog article about Magnum photographers. Today you will choose your transformative photo. What photo have you taken this school year that changed how you viewed photography? What is your decisive photo? Why? (include the photo and explanation) (20)
This photo of Irene's cat, Mimi, is my transformative and decisive photo. This is the picture that I took this school year that changed how I view photography. In the process of working with Mimi, I figured, photography is not all about the technical skills you have. Interaction with the subject is just as important. In order to shoot Mimi, I have to get him to be comfortable with me first. I have to let his guards down and find ways to attract his attention to get a good shot.
Borrowing Irene's cat Mimi to model for my Digital Photography Project. |
5. What is the difference between shape and form? (10)
Shapes come in two dimensions. It is usually defined by lines. On the other hand, form includes length and depth that is three dimensional composition.
6. What is the difference between pattern and repetition? (10)
Pattern is the repeating of an object or symbol all over the work of art. Repetition works with pattern to make the work of art seem active. The repetition of elements of design creates unity within the work of art.
7. Define movement using one of your photos and an explanation. You may also link to your earlier explanation when we defined principles of design. (10)
areas. Such movement can be directed along lines, edges, shape, and color within the
work of art.
This is a picture I took at school for the movement topic. The leading lines on the gate leads our eyes toward the left-middle side of the picture. Therefore, demonstrating movement in the photograph.
8. Of the last three projects, what was your best work? Include the link to your best work and explain why you believe this is your best work. How did this project change you? How did you learn to see differently? (20)
Of the last three projects, I believe this one I took of Estell Kim at Old Mission Park to be my best work. For this project I tested out different type of lens on her. This assignment changed in a way that I'm much more informed of the difference between each type of lens and also figured that 50mm is my favorite one to use for portraits. This project also helped me gain experience on Photoshop and Lightroom. I used healing tool to perfect her complexion. Burn tool to darken her eye brows. Magic wand and filter adjustment to brighten her lip colors.